Having troubles reaching the hurdle in 3 steps? Here are the main reasons and they all have something in common: Speed.
You’re Not Committed
For some reason, likely a lack of confidence, you are not truly hurdling at full speed. Slow running leads to smaller distance per strides. Unless you are sprinting all out, you won’t be able to reach the hurdles in 3 steps. Give it a try.
Reaching Out With Your Steps
It’s very common for hurdlers to run with over-stretched strides and landing on their heels well in front of their bodies. These steps are causing a breaking action.
Jumping too High
Jumping up slows you down because you give up your speed when you transfer your energy up instead of forward. It also takes too long to land on the other side of the hurdle.
Bad technique
This usually leads to getting off balance which slows you down.
You May Not Have Enough Speed
If you are doing all these things and you still can’t get to the next hurdle in 3 steps, you may not have enough running speed in order to accomplish this.
Try practicing with your hurdles pinched closer than race spacing. This enables you to work on each of these issues without having to worry about worrying about the space. What’ll happen is you will improve your technique and confidence and then gradually be able to increase the spacing out.
If you struggle with your steps in hurdling, I have multiple ways to help you: